Our Values


Unified in Christ for the Mission of God


Our mission is to exalt Jesus, equip the disciples, edify the church, and proclaim the holistic gospel.


  1. We are committed to: The Glory of the Triune God
    Therefore: We love him wholeheartedly, worship him sincerely and seek passionately to complete the work he has given us to do.
  2. We are committed to: The Authority of the Bible
    Therefore: We adhere to our doctrinal statement as a summary of key truths from the Bible that we agree on as a family of churches. We affirm the ministries of preaching and teaching in order to understand, obey and apply the Bible to our faith and practice.
  3. We are committed to: Christ-centered Living
    Therefore: We lead believers into the fullness of the Spirit and faith in the all-sufficient Christ for healing and power to live holy lives of service.
  4. We are committed to: The Church
    Therefore: We love the Church universal and seek to plant and nurture healthy, transformational local churches as the means of building Christ’s kingdom and nurturing individual Christians. We minister on the basis of spiritual giftedness as essential to divine power and effectiveness. We encourage dynamic creativity resulting in diverse congregational composition, language and organizational structures in order to fulfill Christ’s desire to reach all people.
  5. We are committed to: Lost People
    Therefore: We allocate a disproportionately large amount of energy and resources to reaching lost people, discipling them to maturity in, and devotion to, Christ.
  6. We are committed to: Missions
    Therefore: We give priority to world evangelization. We give priority in our missionary activity to evangelizing those people who have had the least opportunity to hear the gospel, thus expediting the return of Christ.
  7. We are committed to: Leadership
    Therefore: We intentionally identify and train godly leaders. We affirm and empower our pastors; other credentialed workers and lay leaders, esteeming them highly in the Lord.
  8. We are committed to: Strategic Cooperation
    Therefore: We serve each other with humility and compassion. We create strategies, structures and policies that enhance local initiative and maximize cooperation in the accomplishment of our purpose. We develop strategic partnerships with those of like-minded message, mission, passion and purpose
  9. We are committed to: Social Responsibility
    Therefore: We uphold biblical justice. We minister to the poor and oppressed as ministry to Jesus himself. We encourage and strengthen marriages and families.
  10. We are committed to: Stewardship
    Therefore: We view all our resources and possessions as God-owned and we use them with integrity, accountability and maximum effectiveness. We embrace faithfulness and sacrifice in the advance of Christ’s kingdom.
  11. We are committed to: Prayer
    Therefore: We do nothing until we pray.