What is Clay?

Clay is a young adults fellowship at Knight Street Church serving predominantly
college and university students between the ages of 18-25 from the
English congregation. We strive to become intimate disciples of Jesus
Christ through the following core values.

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    Authenticity with all people

    Loving and praying for people in our world regardless of belief or background.

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    Intimacy with God

    Pursuing a Spirit-filled life of purpose, journeyed together with Christ, dedicated to the awe-inspiring work of the Kingdom of God.

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    Development of Leaders

    Empowering and equipping young leaders to take ownership of their faith in a secular postmodern world.

Bible Studies

This year we are engaging in a study of the synopsis of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Studied in parallel, these studies bring together the life of Jesus in the incarnation and focus on how we can bring forth the Kingdom of God in our communities.

Clay Days

A long held Clay tradition, Clay Days bring our fellowship together into the homes of our brothers and sisters in the sharing of both food and meaningful conversation. Always held potluck style, this is the perfect event to bring your friends to.

Spiritual Autobiography

We love doing life together which is why we love it when our Clay members share about their lives and how God has been journeying and shaping each person into who they are today. Everyone is welcome to come take part!


Contact us at clayfellowshipvcac@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to talk to you!